Iris Heitzinger with Group LaBolsa
9th of October 2021 @ tanz_house festival 2021 > Umherirrende Porträts | Salzburg
10th of October 2021 @ Posthof Linz > Umherirrende Porträts | Linz
This work is a result of a long term collaboration between all the founder member’s of Group LaBolsa, among them Iris Heitzinger.
Umherirrende Porträts, Errants Portraits, Retratos Errantes, Retrats Errants - they are all the same work, yet a new piece every time and in every city. Umherirrende Porträts is a piece which is constructed every time anew, live on stage, in front of the audiences eyes and ears. A celebration of the human capacity to create.
The act of portraying, as we know it from painting, photography, sculpture or audiovisual arts sets an intimate frame for the individual and reveals their uniqueness. At the same time the portrait reveals the portraitist, their own interest, attention, obsessions and desire to exist within their work or through it. What do they hide? What do they allow to emerge?
Heitzinger and the collective Group LaBolsa propose a journey on the idea of a scenic portrait, which reflects on the sensitive human condition, the fragility of the individual within the collective and the need to belong to something beyond the individual.
The collective Group LaBolsa was constituted in 2012 in the city of Barcelona. Their first creation, “The Measure of Disorder” arises from a collaboration with the choreographer Thomas Hauert (Cie. ZOO). They premiered in 2015 with the support of Festival Grec Barcelona, Charleroi-Danse and Les Brigittine Brussels. Since then, Group LaBolsa has held regular meetings, focusing on the development of a method for improvisation and composition based on scores at the service of live stage creation.
Idea, artistic direction: Iris Heitzinger with Group LaBolsa
Live creation: Natalia Jiménez, Mireia de Querol, Xavi Moreno, Federica Porello, Iris Heitzinger, Anna Rubirola, Cecilia Colacrai and Irene Ferrer / Joana Serra.
Sound design: Federica Porello, Group LaBolsa
Sound technician: Pablo (Mo)Ramírez
Light design: Joana Serra, Irene Ferrer
Costumes: Group LaBolsa
Outside eye: Company Mal Pelo
Photo/video: Tristán Pérez Martín
Collaboration texts: Jose Luís de Blas
Production: Verein kunstHupfer/ei, Rita Stivala
Funding: Stadt Salzburg, Land Salzburg, Embajada de España en Austria
With the support of: l’animal a l’esquena, Company Mal Pelo, Verein kunstHupferei/Salzburg